George poses with his son and one of his sheep

#OlderNotOver – Show Reals

We can’t be what we can’t see. If all we have to rely on are media portrayals of older people, it’s little wonder that so many are daunted by ageing and stereotypes aren’t being dispelled.


We need to see more and varied examples of what older age looks like if we’re to change perceptions, challenge stereotypes and ease concerns. After all, if we are to believe the media portrayals of older people, we’d all either be climbing mountains or in dire need by the time we hit 70. 

So let’s use social media to show what older people are really like.

We're asking older people everywhere to film a show real – a short video (probably taken on your phone) that shows you as you really are. And if that happens to be up a mountain, so be it. 

Watch this Show Real!
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Show Reals

You can use your show real to tell us something which may surprise, humour or educate.

What makes you happy? What makes you laugh? What do you look forward to everyday?

Or you can just film yourself saying ‘I’m <say your name>, age <say your age> and I’m older, not over.’

For example: ‘I am Peter, I am 87 years old, and I’m older, not over.’

Here’s how:

STEP ONE: Take a short video on your phone using the above prompts.

STEP TWO: Send your show real to or post on social media using #OlderNotOver.

We’ll upload all the videos we receive here or champion them on social media.