East Asia

Learn about HelpAge Network members in East Asia.


China National Committee on Ageing

China National Committee on Ageing (CNCA) was established as a government body in 1982 following the First World Assembly on Ageing. With over twenty members, it produces policies for an ageing population, coordinates work on ageing by different ministries and monitors work on age-related activities.

CNCA works to improve older people’s quality of life. In 2009 for example, the government launched a pilot projects to support farmers, who were not receiving a pension.

HelpAge International has been working with CNCA to launch a three-year project to tackle poverty and improve health among older people in Shaanxi province. Working through older people’s associations in 16 villages, CNCA is committed to researching ageing issues for policy making, exchanging information to raise awareness about ageing and participating in international events.

CNCA became HelpAge global network member in 2009.

Instituto de Acção Social

Instituto de Acção Social (IAS) (also known as ‘Social Welfare Bureau’) is an NGO in Macau, China, that came into existence in 1999. IAS cooperates with various social service organisations and strives to meet the needs of society through welfare, services and policies.

Since establishment, the work of IAS has grown to include services such as providing meals, assisting disaster survivors, helping blind and deaf people, education, legal advice, counselling, and helping those with drug and alcohol problems. The organisation also provides social service facilities such as nurseries, centres for older people, and community centres. IAS has set up several advisory committees including the Committee for Senior Citizen Affairs.


Helping Hand Hong Kong

Founded in 1978, Helping Hand Hong Kong’s mission is to meet older people’s needs for housing and care in Hong Kong. They work to enable older people to live in dignity by promoting their sense of belonging, security and worth.

Since its establishment, Helping Hand has organised and founded a number of care centres and promoted events on ageing throughout Hong Kong.

Currently, the organisation provides residential care services in five housing estates. These care homes enable older people to have access to occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers and nurses.

In addition, each centre can provide rehabilitation, social, recreational, educational and developmental activities. The care homes are available to anyone aged 65 or above, in poor health or with disabilities.

Helping Hand has been working with HelpAge International since 1984 and became HelpAge global network member in 2004.

Ageing China Development Centre (ACDC)

Ageing China Development Centre (ACDC) in Shaanxi Province was established in 2014, with support from HelpAge International, the China National Committee on Ageing (CNCA) and the Shaanxi Provincial Committee on Ageing (SPCA). It is a non-profit organisation working for the wellbeing and benefit of older people.

YCDA works with local authorities, civil society organisations and communities to transfer knowledge, share best practices, mobilise resources, and raise awareness on the issues of population ageing and development in China. Among its core areas of work, YCDA promotes health psychosocial wellbeing, encourages age-friendly care services, enhances financial inclusion and helps build capacity for other civil society organisations and older people’s associations.


HelpAge Korea

Established in 1982, HelpAge Korea is a NGO that works in Korea and other Asian countries. Its mission is “to ensure that people understand how much older people contribute to society and must enjoy rights to healthcare, social services and economic and physical security”.

HelpAge Korea sets up older people’s associations across Korea and supplies information on community-based care and best practice to other care providers.

Furthermore, HelpAge Korea supports international programmes through the HelpAge network, for example fundraising for HelpAge’s work in Cambodia and Myanmar.

Through the ROK-ASEAN homecare project, which started in 2003, HelpAge Korea has had a positive impact on the lives of older people in ten ASEAN countries. The project trains families and community volunteers in homecare for older people. For more details, download Community based homecare for older people in South East Asia (745kb).

In March 2009, HelpAge Korea began sharing its vision, mission, values and visual identity with HelpAge International.
