Consultancy: Supporting the full operationalization of the Digital MEAL System (DMS)

  • Closing date 26/02/2024

The consultant at HelpAge International will ensure the complete upload of all M&E data for current and active projects in the DMS, Support the generation of the 2023/24 results using a mixed approach and Set up the 2024/25 indicators and targets in the DMS for a fully automated process.

The ideal candidate should possess excellent project management skills and experience in working with a globally distributed organization and strong experiences in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) practices, tools, systems.

All interested individuals are encouraged to express interest by email to by the end of Monday, 26 February 2024.

More information in the PDF below:

Download: ToR-Supporting-the-full-operationalization-of-the-Digital-MEAL-System-DMS.pdf