Consultancy: Final Evaluation of the INUA JAMII 70+: Innovations in Social Protection for Older People in Urban Kenya (AFD IJ70+) Project

  • Location Kenya
  • Closing date 23/07/2024

The consultant at HelpAge International will conduct data collection, data analysis and reporting among the Older women and men including those with disabilities, community members, service providers at various levels, and policy/decision makers, partners, and other stakeholders.

The Ideal consultant/firm should possess postgraduate degree preferably a doctorate in economics, demography, or other disciplines relevant to  monitoring and evaluation, minimum of 10 years’ relevant professional experience of research in issues of social protection, demography, health policy, health systems and social impact, thorough knowledge and substantial experience in the following key crosscutting issues: gender, age, and disability issues and thorough understanding of the population ageing issues in Africa and the project locations.

All interested Individuals/firms are requested to express interest by email to: by July 23, 2024. Other means or later than the stated date will not be considered. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

More information in the PDF below:

Download: AFD-Evaluation-TOR-.pdf