‘I’ve heard about this sport, but I didn’t know what Nordic walking was until now. After today’s workout, I think it’s great to stay fit, especially for older people. The entire body is involved, from the legs to the hands.’

Tatiana (53) from Odesa, Ukraine
In March 2022, 53-year-old Tatiana fled the war in Odesa, Ukraine and took refuge with her relatives in Sîngerei, Moldova. She was born and raised in this small city, but called Odesa home, having lived there for over 30 years.
Tatiana arrived alone in Sîngerei – her husband and son remain behind in Odesa. She was loath to leave, but as the bombs kept hitting close to home, her husband convinced her to travel to Moldova – a long trip of over 36 hours. ‘I feel safe here,’ she says. ‘We are supported morally, physically and financially, everyone is helping us. It feels like home.’’