HelpAge International today welcomed the announcement by the UN and the World Health Organization of the Decade of Healthy Ageing which marks a significant step forward for elevating the voices of older people on the global stage.
Justin Derbyshire, Chief Executive of HelpAge International welcomed the launch of the Decade and said:
“The announcement by the UN and the World Health Organization that 2021 – 2030 will be the Decade of Healthy Ageing is a significant day for everyone around the world.
The Decade creates real potential for shared energy, focus and drive with a common agenda and shared action on healthy ageing by governments, the private sector, academia and the voluntary sector.
It is an important step forward in terms of ensuring that older people are not overlooked by society or excluded from systems and policies, helping us to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic. It also represents an opportunity to influence policies, systems and environments that will improve the lives of older people.
We particularly welcome the commitment by the WHO to include diverse voices of older people in the Decade. Their inclusion and participation, wherever they are in the world and whatever their circumstances, will be key to the success of this initiative. Real progress will only be achieved if they have a voice in the movement for change.
Older people must be at the heart of the Decade if we are to ensure that their rights are recognised by decision-makers at community, country, regional and global levels. It is their voices that will truly shape and influence the outcomes for people of all ages.
The significance of the decision by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to put the ageing agenda at the centre of their work cannot be underestimated. We need to add life to years not just years to life. The Decade of Healthy Ageing has the potential to make sure that this is possible for all of us.
At HelpAge International we look forward to supporting older people’s voices to be heard and partnering with WHO and other stakeholders in promoting a shared vision of enabling all people around the world to lead healthy and fulfilling lives in older age.”
To find out more about the Decade of Healthy Ageing, read the WHO baseline report.