Chapter 3 looks at progress in policies and legislation on ageing. There is a section for each United Nations Regional Commission, highlighting the key issues in the region, and describing regional processes for implementing and reviewing the Madrid Plan.

Ageing in the 21st Century: Chapter 3: A review of progress

“Mainstreaming ageing into global agendas is essential. A concerted effort is required to move towards a wide and equitable approach to policy integration.

“The task is to link ageing to other frameworks for social and economic development and human rights.”

(Madrid Plan, para. 15)

The Madrid Plan made provision not only for international and national implementation but also for its systematic review. The United Nations Commission reviews and appraises the Madrid Plan every five years. It also encourages Member States and the Regional Commissions to evaluate both ageing-specific policies and ageing-mainstreaming efforts.

Chapter 3 reviews progress in terms of national policies and legislation, data and research and institutional arrangements relating to older people that have been introduced since 2002.

This review is followed by a summary from each United Nations Regional Commission of key data on ageing, key issues concerning older people, progress in implementing regional strategies and recommendations for further action.

Chapter 3: Contents

  • Global review of national action
  • Regional issues and responses

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