...set of recommendations to ensure older people receive the assistance they need. We are calling on the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy, the Government of Serbia and the...


...set of recommendations to ensure older people receive the assistance they need. We are calling on the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy, the Government of Serbia and the...

Serbia: One year on from new social protection law

For ten years, the Serbian Red Cross and HumanaS network have lobbied for a better quality of living for older people in Serbia. We have lobbied for many changes in legislation, such as the introduction of social pensions for...

Ethiopia: “The weather has changed completely”

Since stories of the current drought in Ethiopia and its impact have started filtering through in the media, comparisons have been made with the events that inspired Live Aid almost 25 years ago. This time, however, the focus and...

Older people’s work should be recognised

In just three weeks the Photo Competition on the "Working Elderly" became a people's research project, revealing the widespread and diverse nature of older people's work. With nearly 3,000 pictures uploaded it is a permanent online record of older...

Make it Ageless goes to Brussels and meets Mamy Rock!

A Saturday in Brussels Getting up at six in the morning on a Saturday when you have a wretched cold isn't exactly everyone's idea of fun. But strangely enough, I didn't actually mind too much. I was in Brussels,...

Experts on ageing attend post-2015 High-level Panel meeting in Bali

The UN High-level Panel on the post-2015 development agenda is meeting this week on the Indonesian island of Bali. This is the fourth meeting of the panel, which later this year will deliver a key report with recommendations for a future development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals after 2015. The main focus for the meeting in Bali is the role of global partnerships for development.