HelpAge Tanzania Sustainable Development Goals and population ageing 2016 desk calendar
This is a desk calendar created by the HelpAge Tanzania office that provides information on the Sustainable Development Goals and population ageing.
We offer an extensive collection encompassing decades of experience. Dive into our vast library and download free publications on ageing and older people.
This is a desk calendar created by the HelpAge Tanzania office that provides information on the Sustainable Development Goals and population ageing.
This leaflet looks at five ways aspects of our emergency response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines made it a success.
Our annual review 2015 describes how, with our partners and affiliates, we have helped millions of older people lead more dignified, active, healthy and secure lives.
Our annual review 2015 poster compares how our work is helping older people secure the income, health services and support they need, as well as a platform through which to get their voices heard.
In this edition of AgeNews, we report on the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Ageing, which was recently adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (18-22 November 2015). You will find network updates and many events contributing to a better coordination and preparation for ageing societies in the region, such as the establishment of a new consortium for research on ageing and meeting of older people representatives.
This edition of AgeNews features the UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Ageing and provides examples of older people-led innovative activities. It demonstrates how much older people can do with their creativity and energy, both for themselves and for their society.
This edition of AgeNews looks at the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and why the inclusion of older people in disaster risk reduction (DRR) is crucial.
This newsletter looks at our work on disaster risk reduction in the Caribbean.
This edition of AgeNews looks at our work on the rights of older people in the Asia and Pacific region and the situation of older displaced people in camps in Kachin State, Myanmar.
The Age and Disability Monitor provides a bi-monthly overview of the most pressing issues and needs faced by people with specific needs; including people with disabilities, people with injuries and older people among the refugees from and internally displaced people within Syria.
Following the HelpAge Network Asia/Pacific Regional Conference held in September 2014, this report summarises the discussion on how societies can maximise older people's potential while minimising the challenges associated with population ageing.
This issue of Ageing in Africa looks at the Global AgeWatch Index, the Age Demands Action campaign and the impact of HIV and AIDS on older people.