Ageing and Development 15
This issue includes a report on the situation in DR Congo and its impact on older people, and a briefing on a study in Brazil and South Africa highlighting the role of non-contributory pensions in reducing poverty.
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This issue includes a report on the situation in DR Congo and its impact on older people, and a briefing on a study in Brazil and South Africa highlighting the role of non-contributory pensions in reducing poverty.
This issue includes a report on carers of vulnerable children and those orphaned by HIV and AIDS, a briefing on grandparents’ role as carers, and a profile of an HIV and AIDS self-help scheme in Cambodia.
This issue includes a report on post-tsunami relief work, a briefing on opportunities presented by the reviews of progress against development goals, and a profile of Tanzania’s new poverty reduction strategy.
A&D18 includes a briefing on African views of social protection, a profile of a local NGO’s work to raise rights in Jamaica and an article on mainstreaming ageing in Uganda.
A&D19 looks particularly at older people and emergencies, including a survey revealing widespread neglect of older people by humanitarian aid agencies and an article on HelpAge India’s response to the tsunami.
A&D20 focuses on social protection and HIV and AIDS, including articles on aid for Africa and the case for cash transfers, empathy clubs for older women carers in Vietnam, and older carers in South Africa.
A&D21 calls for new approaches to population ageing. It also discusses Lesotho's social pension, and the difficulties faced by Cambodian older displaced people in claiming their entitlements.
A&D22 describes the process for reviewing the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. It reports on the G8’s support for social protection, and the African Union’s new age-sensitive health strategy.
A&D23 comments on the five-year review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and calls for older people’s voices to be better heard, and new UN recommendations on older people and emergencies.
This issue looks at what is meant by home care and why there is a need for it, a Moldovan association recruiting home visitors for older people, and older people in Mozambique who support vulnerable people.
This issue looks at why elder abuse occurs and ways to prevent it, a programme in Tanzania that challenges beliefs on witchcraft, and an older people’s centre in Bolivia promoting older people’s rights.
This special issue covers the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and HelpAge’s “citizens’ monitoring project” to help reporting on government implementation of the Madrid plan.