Voice of older people in Asia
This report presents the views of fifteen older people who have lived through a number of historic events and demographic changes in Asia. They give their views on income security, health services and other issues.
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This report presents the views of fifteen older people who have lived through a number of historic events and demographic changes in Asia. They give their views on income security, health services and other issues.
This report presents experiences of social protection/social pensions programmes in Thailand. The workshop was supported by national and international governments, UNFPA and local civil society.
This report discusses the impact of the social pension and the role of the older people’s groups in monitoring the implementation of the scheme. The study was carried out by HelpAge India in two communities.
This briefing clarifies how older people were included in the emergency response and discusses lessons learnt from relief and rehabilitation work.
This paper argues that cmprehensive age-friendly social policy responses to the financial crisis and the demographic transition are necessary and affordable.
This document outlines the impact of older people’s associations on local development in Asia/Pacific.
This paper looks at older people’s experience of climate change, their awareness of it and how it makes them vulnerable. It highlights older people’s exclusion from climate change debates.
This document is a collaboration between HelpAge International the Overseas Development Institute, looking at the needs of households affected by HIV and AIDS.
This paper reviews the emergency response of HelpAge International to natural disasters in Indonesia (West Sumatra earthquake), the Philippines and Vietnam (Typhoon Ketsana).
This report is a result of a survey conducted in 12 villages in the Shaanxi province of China. It discusses the situation of older people including healthcare, education, migration, and the role of older people’s associations.
This document discusses how the dissolution of the socialist state planning system across East and Central Europe affected older people economically, socially, psychologically and physically.
Serbian version of Building a better future: older people in Serbia